— Deep Learning, PyTorch, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Time Series, Python — 5 min read
TL;DR This tutorial is NOT trying to build a model that predicts the Covid-19 outbreak/pandemic in the best way possible. This is an example of how you can use Recurrent Neural Networks on some real-world Time Series data with PyTorch. Hopefully, there are much better models that predict the number of daily confirmed cases.
Time series data captures a series of data points recorded at (usually) regular intervals. Some common examples include daily weather temperature, stock prices, and the number of sales a company makes.
Many classical methods (e.g. ARIMA) try to deal with Time Series data with varying success (not to say they are bad at it). In the last couple of years, Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM) models have become a very useful method when dealing with those types of data.
Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTMs are one type of those) are very good at processing sequences of data. They can “recall” patterns in the data that are very far into the past (or future). In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to use LSTMs to predict future Coronavirus cases based on real-world data.
The novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) has spread around the world very rapidly. At the time of this writing, Worldometers.info shows that there are more than 95,488 confirmed cases in more than 84 countries.
The top 4 worst-affected (by far) are China (the source of the virus), South Korea, Italy, and Iran. Unfortunately, many cases are currently not reported due to:
Except for the common statistics you might see cited on the news, there are some good and some bad news:
The last one is really scary. It sounds like we can witness some crazy exponential growth if appropriate measures are not put in place.
Let’s get started!
1%reload_ext watermark2%watermark -v -p numpy,pandas,torch
1CPython 3.6.92IPython 5.5.034numpy 1.17.55pandas 0.25.36torch 1.4.0
1import torch23import os4import numpy as np5import pandas as pd6from tqdm import tqdm7import seaborn as sns8from pylab import rcParams9import matplotlib.pyplot as plt10from matplotlib import rc11from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler12from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters13from torch import nn, optim1415%matplotlib inline16%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'1718sns.set(style='whitegrid', palette='muted', font_scale=1.2)1920HAPPY_COLORS_PALETTE = ["#01BEFE", "#FFDD00", "#FF7D00", "#FF006D", "#93D30C", "#8F00FF"]2122sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette(HAPPY_COLORS_PALETTE))2324rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 1025register_matplotlib_converters()2627RANDOM_SEED = 4228np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED)29torch.manual_seed(RANDOM_SEED)
The data is provided by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) and contains the number of reported daily cases by country. The dataset is available on GitHub and is updated regularly.
We’re going to take the Time Series data only for confirmed cases (number of deaths and recovered cases are also available):
1# !wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv
Or you can take the same dataset that I’ve used for this tutorial (the data snapshot is from 3 March 2020):
1!gdown --id 1AsfdLrGESCQnRW5rbMz56A1KBc3Fe5aV
Let’s load the data and have a peek:
1df = pd.read_csv('time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv')
Two things to note here:
Let’s start by getting rid of the first four columns:
1df = df.iloc[:, 4:]
Let’s check for missing values:
Everything seems to be in place. Let’s sum all rows, so we get the cumulative daily cases:
1daily_cases = df.sum(axis=0)2daily_cases.index = pd.to_datetime(daily_cases.index)3daily_cases.head()
12020-01-22 55522020-01-23 65332020-01-24 94142020-01-25 143452020-01-26 21186dtype: int64
1plt.plot(daily_cases)2plt.title("Cumulative daily cases");
We’ll undo the accumulation by subtracting the current value from the previous. We’ll preserve the first value of the sequence:
1daily_cases = daily_cases.diff().fillna(daily_cases[0]).astype(np.int64)2daily_cases.head()
12020-01-22 55522020-01-23 9832020-01-24 28842020-01-25 49352020-01-26 6846dtype: int64
1plt.plot(daily_cases)2plt.title("Daily cases");
The huge spike (in the middle) is mostly due to a change of criteria for testing patients in China. This will certainly be a challenge for our model.
Let’s check the amount of data we have:
Unfortunately, we have data for only 41 days. Let’s see what we can do with it!
We’ll reserve the first 27 days for training and use the rest for testing:
1test_data_size = 1423train_data = daily_cases[:-test_data_size]4test_data = daily_cases[-test_data_size:]56train_data.shape
We have to scale the data (values will be between 0 and 1) if we want to increase the training speed and performance of the model. We’ll use the MinMaxScaler
from scikit-learn:
1scaler = MinMaxScaler()23scaler = scaler.fit(np.expand_dims(train_data, axis=1))45train_data = scaler.transform(np.expand_dims(train_data, axis=1))67test_data = scaler.transform(np.expand_dims(test_data, axis=1))
Currently, we have a big sequence of daily cases. We’ll convert it into smaller ones:
1def create_sequences(data, seq_length):2 xs = []3 ys = []45 for i in range(len(data)-seq_length-1):6 x = data[i:(i+seq_length)]7 y = data[i+seq_length]8 xs.append(x)9 ys.append(y)1011 return np.array(xs), np.array(ys)
1seq_length = 52X_train, y_train = create_sequences(train_data, seq_length)3X_test, y_test = create_sequences(test_data, seq_length)45X_train = torch.from_numpy(X_train).float()6y_train = torch.from_numpy(y_train).float()78X_test = torch.from_numpy(X_test).float()9y_test = torch.from_numpy(y_test).float()
Each training example contains a sequence of 5 data points of history and a label for the real value that our model needs to predict. Let’s dive in:
1torch.Size([21, 5, 1])
1tensor([[[0.0304],2 [0.0000],3 [0.0126],4 [0.0262],5 [0.0389]],67 [[0.0000],8 [0.0126],9 [0.0262],10 [0.0389],11 [0.0472]]])
1torch.Size([21, 1])
1tensor([[0.0472],2 [0.1696]])
1array([[0.03036545],2 [0. ],3 [0.01262458],4 [0.02624585],5 [0.03893688],6 [0.04724252],7 [0.16963455],8 [0.03255814],9 [0.13089701],10 [0.10598007]])
We’ll encapsulate the complexity of our model into a class that extends from torch.nn.Module
1class CoronaVirusPredictor(nn.Module):23 def __init__(self, n_features, n_hidden, seq_len, n_layers=2):4 super(CoronaVirusPredictor, self).__init__()56 self.n_hidden = n_hidden7 self.seq_len = seq_len8 self.n_layers = n_layers910 self.lstm = nn.LSTM(11 input_size=n_features,12 hidden_size=n_hidden,13 num_layers=n_layers,14 dropout=0.515 )1617 self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=n_hidden, out_features=1)1819 def reset_hidden_state(self):20 self.hidden = (21 torch.zeros(self.n_layers, self.seq_len, self.n_hidden),22 torch.zeros(self.n_layers, self.seq_len, self.n_hidden)23 )2425 def forward(self, sequences):26 lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(27 sequences.view(len(sequences), self.seq_len, -1),28 self.hidden29 )30 last_time_step = \31 lstm_out.view(self.seq_len, len(sequences), self.n_hidden)[-1]32 y_pred = self.linear(last_time_step)33 return y_pred
Our CoronaVirusPredictor
contains 3 methods:
- we’ll use a stateless LSTM, so we need to reset the state after each exampleforward
- get the sequences, pass all of them through the LSTM layer, at once. We take the output of the last time step and pass it through our linear layer to get the prediction.Let’s build a helper function for the training of our model (we’ll reuse it later):
1def train_model(2 model,3 train_data,4 train_labels,5 test_data=None,6 test_labels=None7):8 loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')910 optimiser = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)11 num_epochs = 601213 train_hist = np.zeros(num_epochs)14 test_hist = np.zeros(num_epochs)1516 for t in range(num_epochs):17 model.reset_hidden_state()1819 y_pred = model(X_train)2021 loss = loss_fn(y_pred.float(), y_train)2223 if test_data is not None:24 with torch.no_grad():25 y_test_pred = model(X_test)26 test_loss = loss_fn(y_test_pred.float(), y_test)27 test_hist[t] = test_loss.item()2829 if t % 10 == 0:30 print(f'Epoch {t} train loss: {loss.item()} test loss: {test_loss.item()}')31 elif t % 10 == 0:32 print(f'Epoch {t} train loss: {loss.item()}')3334 train_hist[t] = loss.item()3536 optimiser.zero_grad()3738 loss.backward()3940 optimiser.step()4142 return model.eval(), train_hist, test_hist
Note that the hidden state is reset at the start of each epoch. We don’t use batches of data our model sees every example at once. We’ll use mean squared error to measure our training and test error. We’ll record both.
Let’s create an instance of our model and train it:
1model = CoronaVirusPredictor(2 n_features=1,3 n_hidden=512,4 seq_len=seq_length,5 n_layers=26)7model, train_hist, test_hist = train_model(8 model,9 X_train,10 y_train,11 X_test,12 y_test13)
1Epoch 0 train loss: 1.6297188997268677 test loss: 0.0411866083741188052Epoch 10 train loss: 0.8466923832893372 test loss: 0.124164327979087833Epoch 20 train loss: 0.8219934105873108 test loss: 0.14382015168666844Epoch 30 train loss: 0.8200693726539612 test loss: 0.21906946599483495Epoch 40 train loss: 0.810839056968689 test loss: 0.17977151274681096Epoch 50 train loss: 0.795730471611023 test loss: 0.19855864346027374
Let’s have a look at the train and test loss:
1plt.plot(train_hist, label="Training loss")2plt.plot(test_hist, label="Test loss")3plt.ylim((0, 5))4plt.legend();
Our model’s performance doesn’t improve after 15 epochs or so. Recall that we have very little data. Maybe we shouldn’t trust our model that much?
Our model can (due to the way we’ve trained it) predict only a single day in the future. We’ll employ a simple strategy to overcome this limitation. Use predicted values as input for predicting the next days:
1with torch.no_grad():2 test_seq = X_test[:1]3 preds = []4 for _ in range(len(X_test)):5 y_test_pred = model(test_seq)6 pred = torch.flatten(y_test_pred).item()7 preds.append(pred)8 new_seq = test_seq.numpy().flatten()9 new_seq = np.append(new_seq, [pred])10 new_seq = new_seq[1:]11 test_seq = torch.as_tensor(new_seq).view(1, seq_length, 1).float()
We have to reverse the scaling of the test data and the model predictions:
1true_cases = scaler.inverse_transform(2 np.expand_dims(y_test.flatten().numpy(), axis=0)3).flatten()45predicted_cases = scaler.inverse_transform(6 np.expand_dims(preds, axis=0)7).flatten()
Let’s look at the results:
1plt.plot(2 daily_cases.index[:len(train_data)],3 scaler.inverse_transform(train_data).flatten(),4 label='Historical Daily Cases'5)67plt.plot(8 daily_cases.index[len(train_data):len(train_data) + len(true_cases)],9 true_cases,10 label='Real Daily Cases'11)1213plt.plot(14 daily_cases.index[len(train_data):len(train_data) + len(true_cases)],15 predicted_cases,16 label='Predicted Daily Cases'17)1819plt.legend();
As expected, our model doesn’t perform very well. That said, the predictions seem to be in the right ballpark (probably due to using the last data point as a strong predictor for the next).
Now, we’ll use all available data to train the same model:
1scaler = MinMaxScaler()23scaler = scaler.fit(np.expand_dims(daily_cases, axis=1))45all_data = scaler.transform(np.expand_dims(daily_cases, axis=1))67all_data.shape
1(41, 1)
The preprocessing and training steps are the same:
1X_all, y_all = create_sequences(all_data, seq_length)23X_all = torch.from_numpy(X_all).float()4y_all = torch.from_numpy(y_all).float()56model = CoronaVirusPredictor(7 n_features=1,8 n_hidden=512,9 seq_len=seq_length,10 n_layers=211)12model, train_hist, _ = train_model(model, X_all, y_all)
1Epoch 0 train loss: 1.94414210319519042Epoch 10 train loss: 0.83854287862777713Epoch 20 train loss: 0.82565450668334964Epoch 30 train loss: 0.80236816406255Epoch 40 train loss: 0.81256115436553966Epoch 50 train loss: 0.8225002884864807
We’ll use our “fully trained” model to predict the confirmed cases for 12 days into the future:
1DAYS_TO_PREDICT = 1223with torch.no_grad():4 test_seq = X_all[:1]5 preds = []6 for _ in range(DAYS_TO_PREDICT):7 y_test_pred = model(test_seq)8 pred = torch.flatten(y_test_pred).item()9 preds.append(pred)10 new_seq = test_seq.numpy().flatten()11 new_seq = np.append(new_seq, [pred])12 new_seq = new_seq[1:]13 test_seq = torch.as_tensor(new_seq).view(1, seq_length, 1).float()
As before, we’ll inverse the scaler transformation:
1predicted_cases = scaler.inverse_transform(2 np.expand_dims(preds, axis=0)3).flatten()
To create a cool chart with the historical and predicted cases, we need to extend the date index of our data frame:
1Timestamp('2020-03-02 00:00:00')
1predicted_index = pd.date_range(2 start=daily_cases.index[-1],3 periods=DAYS_TO_PREDICT + 1,4 closed='right'5)67predicted_cases = pd.Series(8 data=predicted_cases,9 index=predicted_index10)1112plt.plot(predicted_cases, label='Predicted Daily Cases')13plt.legend();
Now we can use all the data to plot the results:
1plt.plot(daily_cases, label='Historical Daily Cases')2plt.plot(predicted_cases, label='Predicted Daily Cases')3plt.legend();
Our model thinks that things will level off. Note that the more you go into the future, the more you shouldn’t trust your model predictions.
Well done! You learned how to use PyTorch to create a Recurrent Neural Network that works with Time Series data. The model performance is not that great, but this is expected, given the small amounts of data.
The problem of predicting daily Covid-19 cases is a hard one. We’re amidst an outbreak, and there’s more to be done. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal after some time.
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